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Edmonton Catholic School Division Junior High Athletics
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  1.  That interschool athletics support the goals of schooling as identified by Alberta Education and that they be consistent with the philosophy of the school district and with the overall program of the individual schools.
  2. That interschool athletics will provide the best possible educational experiences for students; will provide maximum and equal opportunity for both males and females to participate in a variety of individual, dual, and team sports; and will provide for differing levels of size, ability, and interest.
  3. That interschool athletics be developed to meet the needs, interests, health, and welfare of the students and be governed by the physical, financial and human resources of the school.
  4. That leadership be of the highest quality to exemplify sportsmanship, integrity, courtesy and fair play to the participants.
  5. That it is a privilege, not a right, to participate in school athletics. Students are encouraged but not obligated to participate in this voluntary program.
  6. That the program should be developed to meet the needs and interests of the students, but must also be governed by the physical, financial and human resources of the school.
  7. That the program in each school should strive to be a program of excellence, affording the best educational experiences for their students.
  8. That principals must take an active interest in the athletic program viewing it as a valuable part of the educational process of many pupils.




  • All affairs will be governed by the Edmonton Catholic Junior High Athletic Association Governing Committee. The Committee will be comprised of the School Principals or their designates and the Physical Education Department Head/Athletic lead, or their designate, from the participating member schools.  Among other duties, the members will authorize all league by-laws.


  • The volunteer Administrative Committee, comprised of five (5) people, two Principals and two Athletic Directors and the Athletics Coordinator will be responsible for directing the operations of the leagues. 
  • The Committee will rule on all disputes emanating from the leagues which cannot be solved at the league level.  The Administrative Committee has the authority to rule on any issue not clearly covered in the constitution and League By-Laws.
  • Meetings of the Administrative Committee shall be held as often as the business of the Association requires.  The term of Office on the Administrative Committee will be for a two-year period with the option to renew if approved by principals.  In the event a member is unable to complete their term, an interim Committee Member will be appointed to complete the term.


  •  Duties
    • To organize and administer all interschool athletic activities
    • To schedule all leagues
    • To convene all leagues
    • To obtain officials as required
    • To arrange for all facilities.    
    • To interpret by-laws and handle all statements on policies in consultation with the Administrative Committee Members.
    • To arrange for and to chair all pre-season organizational, special and culmination activity meetings.
    • To manage all athletics program accounts.
    • To maintain a readily accessible data base for effective administration and decision-making as may be required by participating boards.
    • To arrange for all awards.



  • Girls: Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball
  • Boys: Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball
  • Co-Ed: Badminton, Cross-Country, Curling, Slo-pitch, Track and Field, Flag Football
  • Addition of new leagues must be through Notice of Motion to the Athletics Coordinator. The establishment of a new league requires a minimum commitment from four (4) teams.


  • Each school will submit, as requested from the Athletics Coordinator, its commitments to activities at the respective league preseason meetings to confirm entry or non-entry into that league.   In the event a school does not attend or contact the Athletics Coordinator prior to that time, a call will be made to the school indicating that communication has not been made.  It is then up to the school to ensure contact is made.  If not, the team may not be allowed entry into the league.


  • Students can be accepted for tryouts at another Member School for an activity which his/her own member school has chosen not to field a team. This transfer must receive the mutual consent, in writing, of the sending and receiving school Principals.  Each school team can only accept students from one member school (no school team can accept students from two or more schools). Every attempt will be made to accommodate students who wish to participate in league activities if their home school does not field a team in a particular sport, however, the transfer of any athlete is at the discretion and approval of the receiving school Principal.  Any receiving school must take on the total school enrollment of the sending school.


  •  Proposals to change by-laws governing interschool sports shall be submitted in writing to the Athletics Coordinator.
  • Amendments must receive approval of 2/3 of the membership.
  • Amendments may be presented at any regular meeting of the Jr. High Athletic Association Governing Committee. (Held annually in September or by special request)


  •  Protests based on infractions of general by-laws will be submitted in writing to the Administrative Committee.
  • Protests based on infractions of the by-laws governing leagues, or of an individual league's regulations pursuant to these by-laws, will be submitted in writing to the Athletic Coordinator.
  • Protests of a contest must be initiated by personal contact with the Athletics Coordinator and will be submitted in writing if deemed necessary by the Athletic Coordinator.
  • The Administrative Committee shall meet as required but not to exceed five (5) calendar days following receipt of written submission of the Appeal and shall make provision for verbal presentation by the appellant, if so requested.  The Administrative Committee decision shall be considered unanimous.
  • The decision of the Administrative Committee may be appealed to the Governing Committee.  The Governing Committee’s decision shall be final.

   I.  FEES

  • The fees for the operation of the Edmonton Catholic Junior High Athletic Association will be determined by the Administrative Committee and approved by the Governing Committee




  •  Leagues will operate in accordance with By-laws governing interschool sports.
  • Leagues will administer all regularly scheduled athletic contests subject to approved by-laws and the regulations of the individual league concerned.


  •  One representative for each school entered in the league.


  •  A pre-season organization meeting will be conducted for all leagues when time allows:
    • to review league operations and decisions of previous meetings.
    • To finalize arrangements prior to commencement of competition.
  • Special meetings will be held as required.
  • A culminating meeting may be held as required
    • To evaluate season just completed
    • To decide upon league format for the ensuing year.
  • Quorum
    • A quorum will consist of the members present at any meeting duly called.
    • Voting Power
    • Each team represented at the meeting is allowed one vote.
    • In case of a tie, the Athletic Coordinator's vote will determine the   decision.


  •  The Athletics Coordinator will convene each activity.
  • The Convenor shall be responsible for league business related to:
    • meetings
    • scheduling
    • record keeping (league standings, trophy winners, annual reports)
    • finances
    • officials
    • eligibility
    • publicity
    • rules of play
    • protests                            


  • Individual Sports
    • Badminton
    • Track and Field
    • Cross-country running
  • Such leagues will declare their own classifications in their regulations                                                  
  • Team sports:
    • Basketball
    • Curling
    • Soccer
    • Slo-pitch
    • Volleyball 
    • Flag Football
    • Flag Rugby
  • Any student who dresses or plays in more than two senior league or playoff contest (s) in a given sport loses their junior status in the sport for that year.
  • A student must compete in a minimum of one league game to be eligible for playoffs.


  • Students may participate as school team members subject to conformance with the following eligibility rules.
    • A student becomes a bona fide student at a school on the first day of classes beginning the term.  In case of transfer from one school to another the student shall become a bona fide student in the new school upon the date of this first attendance at classes.
    • The competitor must be registered in grade 7, 8 or 9 for league play. New schools may request grade 6 students to play.  Requests must be submitted to the Junior high Athletic Coordinator which will then be brought to the executive committeee for approval.
    • Academy students are not eligible for league play for the sport they are registered as an academy student for.  (This will affect soccer and slo-pitch).  An academy school may register a non academy team into the non academy team (no academy players included). 
    • A game sheet will be filled out for all games and kept on file for the duration of the season for future reference if required.
    • It must be the opinion of the principal of the school that it is in the best interest of the competitor and the Association as a whole for him or her to participate.
    • The principal of each school shall be responsible for the eligibility of the school’s competitors for any competition.


  • Principals require students participating in interscholastic athletics to return to the coach a signed Field Trip Form and authorization to release elilgibility information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Policy.


  •  Each school team will be sponsored by a teacher of the school board approved by the Principal.
  • Principals are responsible for the development of guidelines for the coaching conduct of their school teams, including practice sessions and competitions.
  • Principals are responsible for determining the criteria for, and the selection of, coaches/sponsors for their school teams.  Staff sponsors must be provided for all "out-of-school" coaches and sponsors must be in attendance at games.
  • Principals are responsible for ensuring adequate supervision of all league contests held in their schools.


  • Schedules

    • It shall be the responsibility of each League, at a duly called organizational meeting, to determine the type of competition for that league. Teams will be scheduled to play at least one game per week unless the schedule does not permit.  A normal league schedule will be comprised of approximately seven games plus playoffs unless special circumstances dictate otherwise such as pool size, not enough playdates available, etc.
    • All athletic competitions are to be scheduled outside of the regular school day unless prior approval has been agreed upon by all participating school principals.
    • No member schools can participate in invitational tournaments that conflict with league schedules or attend any Edmonton Catholic High School Invitational Tournaments starting prior to regular dismissal times unless it has been approved by the school principal.
    • Any major change in league schedules or any change indicating cost implication must be reviewed by the Executive Committee.
    • Schools have the right to enter one team in each category per sport to participate in league play with the exception of curling that plays in a joint league with Edmonton Public Schools.
    • All teams participating in the Edmonton Catholic Junior High Athletic Association Leagues must be school based and must carry the traditional school’s name.
    • Division 1, 2 or 3 League designation:
      • Division 1 - Junior High Population 376+
      • Division 2 - Junior High Population 226-376 (can choose to participate in Division 1 or 2)
      • Division 3 - Junior High Population 0-225 (can choose to participate in Division 1, 2 or 3)
  • The Administrative Committee will make the final decision if an appeal to play in a lower division is submitted.  Appeals must be presented 3 days prior to the organizing meeting for that sport.
  • Schools can play in a higher tier but cannot play in a lower tier based on school population unless an appeal has been submitted and approved.
  • In league playoff games, if the higher ranked school team (home) is unable to host, they have the opportunity to make the necessary arrangements to play at another Edmonton Catholic Jr. High School facility.  The game will be played on the same date and time as would normally be scheduled unless a change of date and time is mutually agreed upon by the home team and the visiting team.
  • In the event the home team is unable to make satisfactory arrangements to play at another Edmonton Catholic Jr. High School facility, the playoff game will be played at the opposing team’s facility. 
  • With respect to City Championships, the highest ranked team in league standings will receive the advantage.  (All Championship locations are considered "neutral" sites.)


  • Each league will operate within the designated season. This includes tryouts, practices, tournaments and league play. First offense is a forfeit of first league game, second offense will be taken to the committee for a decision. 
  • The rationale for establishing seasons of play is making competitive opportunities for all members as equitable as possible. Therefore, with all members operating within the same time guidelines for each activity, the opportunity for advancement toward a City Championship should be reasonably equal.
    • Cross Country             September 1 to City Championships
    • Soccer                         June 1 to June 30; August 15 to City Championships
    • Volleyball                     September 15 to City Championships
    • Curling                         October 1 to Super League Championships
    • Basketball                    December 1 to City Championships
    • Badminton                    March 1 to City Championships
    • Slo-pitch                       April 1 to City Championships
    • Track and Field             April 1 to City Championships 
  • Schools may not conduct team practices outside the respective Season of Play. The definition of a 'team practice' is an organized sport specific activity, with multiple team members from the same school, under the supervision of a coach from the same school, where they direct or conduct sport specific drills for the athletes. Contests and practices for all sports shall be restricted to the seasons of play for sports. No members of any coaching staff shall direct organized practice or game activities prior to the approved starting dates for in session sports.
  •  Tournaments
    •  Invitations to tournaments will be forwarded to schools as received.
    •  Participation in all tournaments is subject only to the approval of the principal.


  • In league play where conflict is unavoidable, the Home Team shall wear uniforms of contrasting colours.
  • In all playoff schedules, the team finishing league play with the highest placement shall be declared the home team and shall wear the normal designation of uniform as stated in the playing rules for that sport. If no color is designated, then the higher placed team shall have its choice of uniform color. If the teams have equal league records and the two teams cannot reach agreement on sweater/uniform designation, then the Administrative Committee shall make the decision and that decision shall be binding on all involved parties.


  • Each league may have its own trophies and shall declare the basis of selection of the award.
  • The acquisition of further trophies shall be recommended by the league and approved by the Administrative Committee.
  • It is the responsibility of the winning school to ensure all necessary engraving is performed on trophies prior to returning them for the upcoming seasons.


  • The Junior High Athletic Association League custom medallions may be awarded to all members of Championship Teams and the individual winners in each classification (non-team sports) at the City Championships.  Other awards (medals, ribbons, crests) may be awarded as determined by specific leagues.  The cost of these awards will be borne by participating schools.


  1. Schools are responsible to play games indicated on the schedule or default the games.  Notwithstanding this, any requested changes to the league schedule must be documented and submitted to the Athletics Coordinator.  All changes must be approved by the Athletics Coordinator and the opposing team. Every effort should be made by the Athletics Coordinator and the opposing team to accommodate the change.


  •  If a default occurs full points will be awarded to the opposing school.


  •  Leagues desiring affiliation or liaison with non-school amateur groups or organizations must obtain approval from the Administrative Committee
  • Leagues will not require competitors to affiliate with outside groups.

Q.  Spectators

  •  Participating schools are jointly responsible for the proper behavior of spectators.
  • Host school must have a staff member in the gym to supervise spectators. This cannot be the staff member that is coaching.
  • Students from any other school other than host school are required to be accompanied by an adult to spectate league games in all indoor sports.
  • Artificial noisemakers are not permitted. These noisemakers may include but are not limited to air horns, cow bells, plastic tube horns, musical instruments, garbage can lids, drums, clappers and thunder sticks. Failure to comply will result in the ejection from the facility or grounds.

Edmonton Catholic Jr. High Athletic Association Discipline Policy
  • General Statements on Discipline:
    • The head coach, as a representative of the school, is responsible for the conduct of all personnel composing the school's team (players, assistant coaches and other bench personnel).
    • For a coach to address or permit anyone on his/her bench to address uncomplimentary remarks to any official during the progress of a game, or to indulge in conduct which might incite players or spectators against the officials, is a violation of the rules of the game and must likewise be considered conduct unworthy of a coach.
    • Behavior by any member of a team, including all bench personnel, deemed objectionable conduct as defined in the rule book for a sport shall be immediately subject to the penalty prescribed in the rule book for such an offense.  In this situation during a game the head official for the game shall be empowered to see that the penalty is carried out (including ejection of a coach from the game site) to allow the game to go on, or if necessary to halt further play and award the game to the non-offending team.
    • Coaching personnel ejected from a game shall be reported to the Athletic Office and to the respective school Principal.
  • Any conduct that results in dishonor to the athlete, the team, the school or the district will not be tolerated.  Competitors, coaches, spectators or teams guilty of misconduct either before, during or after a game shall be reported to the Junior High Athletic Association Coordinator of Athletics.  All reports will be referred to the respective Principal(s) to deal with in the manner which he/she may deem necessary.
  • Fighting in any sport or any conduct that poses a threat to the safety and well being of other players will bring an automatic suspension for the remainder of the game plus suspension of the next league game.   (Fighting shall be construed to consist of an invitation to fight, punching or slugging with fists whether or not a punch is landed, wrestling or tackling an opponent outside a legal play situation.)  The game suspension applies to any member of the playing squad who leaves the bench during a fight.
  • The principal is at liberty to impose further sanctions or suspensions if warranted for more serious offences and 2nd offences by a given player.  
  • The School Principal, on behalf of the student athlete, may appeal the decision to the Administrative Committee.  The appeal will require the following:
    • Written appeal from the School Principal must be presented to the Athletic coordinator immediately following the initial ruling.
    • The School Principal or School Representative (and the student if required) shall have the privilege of representation.   
    • The Administrative Committee shall render a final decision, in writing, to the School Principal.
  • Competition dates: September 1 to City Championships Trial run - Starting time 12:30PM
  • City Finals - Starting time 12:30PM
  • Location: Goldbar Park or Rundle Park
  • Race order and distance:
    • Jr. Girls - 2000m
    • Jr. Boys – 2000m
    • Int. Girls – 3000m
    • Int. Boys - 3000m
    • Sr. Girls – 3000m
    • Sr. Boys – 3000m
  •  Age groupings:  please reference ECS Jr. High Athletics Constitution:  F. 6 Eligibility of    Athletes.
  • The cross-country trials and city championship will be run in accordance with the track and field rules as published by the IAAF.
  • School Teams: To be considered as a team, a school team must have a minimum of four runners in a single classification who have completed the course. School team points in each classification will be awarded on the basis of the final position of eligible runners.
  •  Awards: medals to the top three finishers and ribbons to 4th through 6th place finishers in each category. Trophies will be awarded to the top school team in eachcategory and the individual top overall school.
  • Season of Play – September 15 to City Championships.
  • Senior teams will play a best of 3
  • Junior teams will play a best of 3 using the Triple Ball format
  • Match consists of best of five ping pong format.
  • 12 substitute rule in effect 
  • No libero
  • Net ball serve is playable
  • Net height – Girls - 7’ and Boys - 7’ 4”
  • Games will commence as soon as possible following dismissal, visiting schools must be allowed a minimum of 15 minutes to warm up
  • Athletic Coordinator is responsible for all officials during League Games. If an official is not available, the Host School then becomes responsible for the officials.
  • For playoffs, home team supplies referee (booked by Athletic Coordinator) and minor officials, visiting team supplies umpire.
  •  Reporting scores Winning team is responsible for reporting match results on Goalline..
  • Tie breaker procedures
    • Matches won and lost between tied teams
    • Total difference between the tied teams’ games won and lost
    • Total difference between the tied teams’ points for and against
    • If tied teams played unbalanced schedule, the result of the second game between them will be used if necessary
  •  The Edmonton Catholic Jr. High Athletic Association follows the specifications of the Volleyball Canada Rulebook  with the following exceptions:  
  • Officials are instructed to call coaches (warning first, followed by a red card) if they come past attack line to score table.  Red card infraction is now point plus loss of serve.
  • Rule 5.2 – Coach - The Coach may give instructions to the players on the court while standing or walking within the free zone in front of his/her teams bench from the attack line to the warm-up area without disturbing or delaying the match
  • Rule 6.1 – To Score a Point - The rally point system will be in effect
  • Rule 6.2 – To Win a Set - A set (except the deciding set) is won by the team which first scores 25 points with a minimum lead of two points.  There is no point limit.
  • Rule 6.3 – To Win a Match - The deciding set in a match (3rd or 5th) is played to 15 points with a minimum lead of two points.  There is no point limit.
  • Rule 9.2 – Characteristics of a Hit – Players ARE allowed to set off a serve.
  • Rule 11.2 – Ball Touching the Net - While crossing the net (within the crossing space), the ball may touch the net 
  • Rule 11.3 – Contact with the Net
  • Rule 11.3.1 – Contact with the net by a player between the antennae, during the action of playing the ball is a fault. The action of playing the ball includes (among others) take-off, hit (or attempt) and landing.
  • Rule 11.3.2 – Players may touch the post, ropes, or any other object outside the antennae, including the net itself, provided that it does not interfere with play
  • Rule 11.3.3 – When the ball is driven into the net and causes it to touch an opponent, no fault is committed.
  • Rule 13 – Service - The Service must hit the ball within 8 seconds after the first referee whistles to authorize the service.  Please Note:
    • The server is allowed only one toss to serve within the 8 seconds
    • Dribbling or moving the ball in the hands is not considered part of the service execution
  • Rule 16.4 – Time Out - All time outs last for 60 seconds
  • Each team will be entitled to two timeouts of 60 seconds per set
  • Substitutions rules are as follows:
    • Team shall be allowed a maximum of 12 substitutions in any one game.
    • Player may leave the game and re-enter the game, but only for the same player.  Players are “tied” together e.g. 7 for 12 – these two players are attached for that game, and a player must re-enter the same player.
    • Unlimited substitutions are allowed up to 12 per game.
  • ​7 for 12; 12 for 7 (2 subs) x 6 = 12 subs
  • 7 for 12; 12 for 7 (2 subs) x 2 = 4 subs
  • 8 for 6; 6 for 8 (2 subs) x 4     = 8 subs
                                               12 subs

  • Season of Play: December 1 to City Championships
  • Games start 15 minutes after visiting team has team on floor or earlier if both coaches agree.
  • Athletic Coordinator supplies officials for league games. If an official is not available, the Host School then becomes responsible for the officials.  For playoffs each team supplies one referee and two minor officials, unless carded officials can be supplied.
  • Winning team responsible for results on Goalline
  • Tie Breaking Procedures:
    • If two teams are tied in league standings, the higher placed team will be:
      • The team who won the game between the two tied teams.
      • If two or more teams are tied, the winner will be the team who won the most games involving the tied teams only.
      • If a tie still exists, the winner will be determined by the difference in points for and against in games involving the tied teams only.
      • If still tied, the winner of the second game between tied teams’ advances. If still tied due to three team involvement a coin toss will be used and which will be conducted by the convener.
  • Games shall be played according to the most current F.I.B.A. rulebook with the following modifications   
  • T-shirts can be worn under uniform; torn sleeves are not allowed, and shirts must be tucked into shorts.
  • No front court press by leading team when score differential is greater than 20 points.
  • Time Outs: 2 in first half, 3 in second half.
  • No jewelry is to be worn; earrings cannot be taped. They MUST be removed, or player will not be permitted to play.
  • No plastic/rubber wrist bands can be worn.
  • 24 second rule in effect regardless of whether or not a school has the 24 second shot clock. Officials should be giving teams a verbal reminder at 10 seconds if there is no 24 second clock present.
  • Key – use the key that is painted on the floor. In the event a gym has both wide and narrow keys, the wide key will be used.
  • Both boys and girls’ leagues will play four 10-minute quarters with a five-minute half time.
  • Overtime – 5-minute periods to be used until tie is broken. One timeout per team per overtime. NO timeouts can be carried over.  
  • The 3-point shot can only be used if the line is painted on the floor and both coaches agree to its use prior to the game.
  • Zone defenses are NOT allowed. Warning will be given for first offense followed by a bench technical for following offenses.
  • The Edmonton Catholic Junior High Curling League is offered in partnership with the Edmonton Public Schools Junior High Athletic Association and the Northern Alberta Curling Association and operates under the following guidelines:
  • Season of Play: October 1 to Super League Championship
  • Schools indicate intent to participate to Athletic Coordinator in October. A school representative must attend the organizing meeting.
  • A school can enter a maximum of two co-ed teams unless schedule permits more teams to create a balanced schedule. A school advisor must be with the teams at all scheduled competitions and lessons.
  • Teams play once a week from November until March beginning with a series of lessons and culminating in a season ending tournament.
  • Awards: medals are awarded to 1st, 2nd & 3rd. place team members.
  • Schools provide brooms and sliders for participants.
  • Schools are invoiced separately for their share of ice rental and instructor expenses. 

  • Season of play: March 1 to City Championships
  • Categories: Men’s Singles, Ladies Singles, Mixed Doubles, Men’s Doubles and Ladies Doubles. 
  • Players can only compete in one category per school (normally 3 schools are assigned to a site)
    1. Exception: Playing at a site with only two teams scheduled.
  • A team will consist of 8 players made up of 4 men and 4 ladies. However, if schools now wish, they may replace players for complete matches. No subs are allowed during matches.
  • Start time: As soon as first team arrives.
  • No spectators on floor.
  • Home school responsible for net setup and floor cleaning.
  • No coaching during matches – Coaches or players can call timeouts
  • Official bird – Yonex yellow with green band.
  • Home school email results to
  • Shorts or sweats and T-shirts should be worn, non-white is OK, and every effort should be made to avoid labels on shirts.
  • To qualify for playoffs in a category a player must have competed in a minimum of two matches in league play in that category
  • One 30 second time out per game per team. Coaches are responsible to monitor and avoid abuse
  • Net height - 5ft-3 inches at poles, 5ft. at centre
  • Scoring:
    • Modified round robin for each category
    • School with most points from match play will win league team championship trophy, please note - playoff games will count one point for each game won in playoffs towards the overall championship.
    • Due to the potential for divisions to have 8 teams the schedule may have one site with only two teams scheduled. In order to keep points awarded consistent, these teams will play each other twice for a total of four games to nine points with one point being awarded per win for a maximum per category per night of four points. Coaches you may change team composition for the second two games
  •  Playoffs:
    • Start time 3:30 p.m.
    • A one day playoff system will be used per division. 
  • Format:
  • Matches for the playoffs will be based on seeding from league play with each school carrying their point total in each category forward for the crossover. Top 8 teams in each category will advance to the quarter finals
  • Each match best of three to 21, start time 3:30 p.m.
  • Finals: Winners of semi finals will play for Gold/Silver and Losers of Semi Finals will play for Bronze
  • Medals awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place individuals in each category. As well, the Badminton team championship aggregate trophy will be awarded annually based on both league and playoff results.  
  • Season of Play: April 1 to City Championships
  • All rules should be applied from C.A.S.A. with the following clarifications.  
  • Ball Size: 12” (30.48cm) MSP- .47 or less - Blue dot synthetic
  • Pitching Distance: 46’ (14.0m)
  • Baselines: 60’ (19.81m)
  • Pitching mound: between 46 – 50 feet
  • Pitching Arch: between 6’ and 12’
  • Bats: BPF 1.0 or less    
  • Mat: 1.22m by 0.74m and is placed flush with the front of the plate
  • Commitment Line – a line drawn or pylons 21’ (6.4m) from the back of home plate and perpendicular to the third base line. When a runner crosses this line (one complete foot) they must proceed home.  Prior to reaching the line they may return to third base.
  • Safe Line-is a line drawn in foul territory starting at the front corner of home plate closest to third base and perpendicular to the third base line.  It extents 10’ (3.05m) from the third base line into foul territory.    The runner only needs to pass this line (not the plate) before the ball reaches the catcher in contact with the plate to be safe. 
  • A double base or safe base is used on first base. 
  • Shoes must be closed.  Non-metal cleats are permitted.
  • Catcher must wear a face mask. Other catching equipment is optional. 
  • Batters and runners must wear helmets. 
  • Players must wear t-shirts with numbers
  • Ten players are in field. Pitcher (1), Catcher (2), 1st Base (3), 2nd Base (4), 3rd Base (5),   Short Stop (6), Left Field (7), Left-Center Field(8), Right-Center Field (9) and Right Field (10).  The 10 players must consist of 4 females and 6 males. 
  • The batting order must alternate between male and female.
  • Home team shall bat last, if a home team is not designated it shall be determined by a coin flip. 
  • Line up with team name, starting players with # and position and any substitutes listed must be signed by the coach.
  • Games consist of seven Innings. 
  • At least one foot of the pitcher must be in contact with the pitching rubber until the ball is released.  The Ball must be released in an underhand motion and below the hip.
  • Bunting is not allowed.
  • A chopped ball is not allowed.
  • There is no stealing or leading off.  The runner may leave the base once the bat has made contact with the ball.
  • Defence always has the right-of-way on fielding as long as the ball is going in their direction and can be fielded with ordinary effort
  • Substitution – subbed players cannot return, batting order cannot be altered
  • Mercy Rule: 10 batters per inning only / 7 run maximum per inning
  • Coaches can concede after 5 innings
  • Tie games are allowed
  • Officiating
    • Coach umpires for own batters and calls home plate runners if no ump is assigned
    • Opposing coach call outs and 1st, 2nd and 3 rd. bases
  • Coaches must communicate with each other regarding any venue changes
  • Games start 15 minutes after visiting team arrives or 4:00PM whichever is earlier.
  • Please use score sheets provided by the league
  • Coaches make own arrangements for rain out make up games
  • Season of Play: June 1 to June 30; August 1 to City Championships
  • Rainouts:  please abide by City of Edmonton rain out policy. (Call 496-4999 and press # 1) Coaches, please reschedule games by mutual agreement. It is up to teams to reschedule rained out games. If not played prior to playoffs, the game will count as a draw with one point awarded to each team.  If a team cannot play for reasons other than weather, and the game cannot be rescheduled, it will go into the books as a 1-0 default.
  • Games start between 4:00-4:15PM to allow adequate time for warm up and to ensure the ref is ready to start the game.
  • Mercy Rule: a maximum of 5-point differential will be recorded when reporting a score.
  • Winning team is responsible for results. Text 780-999-2819 or Email
  • It is the responsibility of each school to have lines painted prior to the start of league games.
  • Tie breaking procedure will be:
    • Won-lost record between tied teams followed by the goal differential.
    • For 3 more tied teams, won/lost between games of ties teams followed by the difference in goals for and against between tied teams in league play is used.
    • If still tied, a coin toss conducted by Coordinator of Athletics will be used.
  • In accordance with association bylaws, a school employee designated by the principal must be present for each team at all games.   
  • Length of game is two-30 minutes halves.
  • Overtime: Over-time shall consist of two-five-minute halves followed by penalty kicks according to F.I.F.A rules           for playoff games.  League games resulting in a tie will go straight to penalty kicks.
  • Unlimited substitution on dead ball such as throw-ins, corner kicks, goal kicks, kickoffs, and the Referee’s permission is required for each substitution.
  • Footwear – players will wear running shoes or approved soccer cleats, i.e., molded-sole.
  • Shin guards are mandatory.
  • Uniforms - the home team is responsible for providing contrasting uniforms suitable for Referees needs, i.e., numbers on players can be seen.
  • Home team for league games is responsible for referee, linespersons, goal nets and field markings. For crossover and quarterfinal playoff games, home team provides a carded official; each team is required to provide one line person.  If available, carded referee will be provided for the semi-finals and finals. The home team provides goal nets and flags.  On neutral sites, each team is expected to provide one goal net each and two corner flags.
  • Season of Play: April 1 – City Championships
  • All track meets will be run in accordance with I.A.A.F. regulations.
  • Events:
    • 100m
    • 200m
    • 400m
    • 800m
    • 1500m
    • 400m relay
    • Shot put (girls – 2.7 kilo, boys – 4.0 kilo)
    • High Jump (girls start at 1.10 cm, boys start at 1.20 cm, increases are maximum of 10 cm)
    • Triple Jump
    • Long Jump
    • Turbo Javelin (500g for everyone)
  • Competitions: Schools will compete in a zone qualification meet leading to a city championship. Qualifying athletes to compete at the zone track and fields meet is the responsibility of the school.
  • Each participant at the Zones and City Championships is eligible to enter four events, excluding relay
  • Entries: Training sessions will be available each spring as hytek will be used to enter all athletes.
  • Dress: Running shoes or track shoes, school shirts or singlets must be worn by all competitors
  • All event forms, assignments of officiating and associated duties such as clean-up and supervision is the responsibility of the Athletics Coordinator. Each school must provide at least one adult who has no coaching duties to assist in officiating and supervision.
  • Schools will be assigned to provide student assistant officials. These student officials will be assigned to work with adult officials to run the events. The adult officials will be arranged by the Athletics Coordinator.
  • No track records can be set in zone meets; field event records will count at zones and city finals.
  • Transportation for zones and city finals is the responsibility of each individual school. Neighboring schools may wish to share a bus for the finals. Coaches, please make your own arrangements. Also, there will be a concession on site if available.
  • If it becomes necessary to cancel, schools will be advised prior to 7:15 a.m. The decision will be made by the Athletics Coordinator. It will take a major storm or air quality index of 7+ to cancel.
  • Schools must arrange to arrive at Rollie Miles or designated site by 9:00 a.m. Departure should be by 2:30 p.m.
  • Entries:
    • Two competitors per school for the 100, 200, 800, 1500, and all field events and one entry for the 400 and relay.  
    • For the city finals, top four qualify from zones in 100 & 200, top 3 in 800,1500, all field events and top two in the 400 and relay.
  • Records and schedules: The Athletics Coordinator will maintain all Zone and City Championship records, provide all event schedules and forms.
  • Awards:
    • In zone meets, ribbons will be awarded for 1st to 4th place
    • In the city championships, medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Ribbons will be awarded for 4th place. Annual aggregate trophies will be awarded to the boy’s and girl’s top school and for the overall combined school for points earned based on 5 points for first, 3 points for second, 2 points for third and 1 point for forth. Relays will count double

2025 Track and Field Dates


2024 Soccer City Championships


2024 Cross Country City Championships


St. John XXIII Elementary Volleyball Tournament
