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Edmonton Catholic School Division Junior High Athletics
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Division 1/2 Boys Basketball

League Information

Edmonton Catholic Schools Junior High Athletic Association
2023-2024 Basketball Guidelines
  • Edmonton Basketball Officials: Carded officials will be booked by Catherine Smith for ALL schools that have requested officials.  In the event there is no official available it will be the responsibility of the hosting team to provide officials for the game. As much notice as possible will be given if there is not an available carded official. Officials will be booked for all playoff games.  Fees for 2 officials are $94.50/game for regular season, $96.75/playoff game and $141.75/game for any game starting before 4:00PM. These fees do not include GST and an assigning fee charged by EBOA.
  • If carded officials are NOT available, the next step is to find a responsible competent adult official or high school students.  If there are none available, it then becomes the responsibly of the coaches from both teams.
  • Heather Rootsaert will be again conducting a basketball officiating refresher clinic on Wednesday, January 10 at Lumen Christi from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. in room 3A. There is no charge, and all coaches, teachers and referees are encouraged to have a representative in attendance. Please register with  prior to January 9th, 2024.
  • Game time for Senior games is 4:15PM and Junior games are 4:00PM and 5:00PM.
  • Games start 15 minutes after visiting team has team arrives or earlier if both coaches agree. Senior Boys/Girls league games will play 4 nine-minute stop time quarters with a five-minute intermission.
  • NEW*Junior Boys/Girls will play 2 – 20 minutes halves with a 5-minute warm up and 2 minute half time.  Play will be running time except for foul shots and timeouts.  First game will start at 4:00pm and second game will start at 5:00pm).  
  • Overtime - 5-minute periods to be used until tie is broken for Senior teams only.
  • ***Zone Defense is NOT allowed. ***
  • The 3-point line will be used.
  • Winning team responsible for reporting results.  Scores are to be reported on the new website at Please contact your Athletic Lead for login information.
  • Tie Breaking Procedures: If two teams are tied in league standings, the higher placed team will be the team who won the most games between the two tied teams. If still tied, points for/against between tied teams will be used. If still tied the winner of the first game will be considered higher placed.
For more than two teams tied:
  1. If balanced schedule, games won/lost won followed by points for/against between tied teams.
  2. If tied teams played unbalanced schedule, the result of the first game only between them will be used. If still tied, this will be followed by points for and against between tied teams.
  3. If still tied, record against highest common opponent will be used.
  4. If still tied, a coin toss will be used, and which will be conducted by the convener.
  • Games shall be played according to the current FIBA rulebook with the following modifications. 
  • Teams should have matching shirts/sleeves under uniform.  If one player chooses to wear a white shirt under the uniform any other players wearing a t-shirt should also be wearing white.  This rule is lenient at the junior high level but is strictly enforced in high school, so it is good practice to have kids pack a white and black t-shirt in their bags. Coloured shirts/sleeves/head bands should only be the team’s colours.
  • T-shirts can be worn under uniform; torn sleeves are not allowed, and shirts must be tucked into shorts.
  • No front court press from leading team when score differential is greater than 20 points.
  • Man to man defense when the ball crosses the centre line.
  • Time Outs: 2 in first half, 3 in second half.
  • No plastic/rubber wrist bands can be worn.
  • Jewelry is not allowed, however, if it is a religious piece that cannot be removed it MUST be securely taped down to ensure a finger cannot get caught in it.
  • Some of our schools do not have 24 second shot clocks, so we will continue as in previous years to have the game officials make this call and provide warnings at the 10 second mark. NEW shot clock rules. If your school has 24 second clock available, they are to be used. Shot clocks will be used in all City Final games.
General Reminders
  • Ball size; Boys – Size 7, Girls – Size 6
  • On free throws, a maximum of 5 players allowed to fill the lanes (3 defensive players and 2 offensive players); defensive players DO NOT have to fill the bottom lanes, on any shot, if they choose not to.
  • The ball is to be handled, by the officials, on ALL throw-ins in the front and back court. This does NOT include after a successful basket, except in the last two minutes of the game.
  • Time-outs are ONLY 60 seconds. Teams are to be back on the floor by the time the time-out has expired. At 50 seconds, the official should blow the whistle to give the teams a 10 second warning to get back on the floor.
  • Substitutions MUST go through the scorer’s table and wait for the officials to call them onto the floor.  Subs are not to come directly off the bench and onto the floor.
 (For a look at the complete FIBA Rule book “latest edition” visit  - “Inside FIBA” then “Rules, regulations and other docs”)
Basketball Rule Changes - ECSD Jr. High Athletics
FIBA 2018 Rule Changes –
 FIBA Official Basketball Rules 2018 -
*FIBA Official Basketball Rules 2018 (Interpretations) -
FIBA 2018 Summary of Changes -  
FIBA 24 second changes applicable if there is a 24 second clock available and/or officials who understand the interpretation of the rules)
  • 8 second backcourt count
  • 24-second shot clock
14-second shot clock on offensive rebounds:
  • 14-second shot clock reset - Throw-in from the frontcourt after a foul or violation by the opponent team
  • 14-second shot clock reset - Throw-in during an UF/DQF penalty from the throw-in line in the front court
  • 14-second shot clock reset - Last 2 min. of 4th quarter when a TIME-OUT is called the Coach’s option: Throw-in from the frontcourt with 14 or more seconds of possession
  • Games played in 4 quarters – 9 Minute quarters
  • Technical foul - 1 shot and ball is then returned to point of interruption
  • 2 shot free throws ('double bonus') on the 5th team foul per quarter
  • Timeouts are to be requested through the score table and granted at the next stoppage in play
  • 5 timeouts per team (2 in the first half; 3 in the second half with no carry over); only 2 can be used in final 2 minutes of game. Only 2 timeouts may be used in final 2 minutes of the 4th quarter)
  • Interpretation for the foul that could happen under 2 mins on the throw in:
    • While the ball is at the hands of the referee or at the disposal of the thrower-in, and a defensive player fouls an offensive player on the court, this is a throw-in foul (unless contact meets the criteria of an unsportsmanlike foul). The player who was fouled shall attempt one free throw with no line-up (regardless of the number of team fouls). The game is resumed with a throw-in by the non-offending team from the place closest to the infraction.

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